I live a decent life, I make a decent living, and I even have disposable income. I can take vacations and see people I want to see and visit places I want to visit.
But I can't go on the JoCo Cruise Crazy. I'm far more depressed about this than I should be.
If you remember my post from about a month ago about the amazing concert experience known as w00tstock, you will know how much I loved the night. The JoCo Cruise is pretty much the same thing (minus Adam Savage, plus Jonathan Coulton - most of the other acts are the same), only it's a 6-day Caribbean cruise. Basically, it sounds like the greatest thing on land or sea.
But in order to go, I'd need at least $1300. Probably more. And a friend to go with me so I don't have to stay in a cabin with a stranger (theoretically they wouldn't be a stranger by the time the cruise set sail because we'd set it up before booking, but it will still be someone I've never met) - they have some big charges for single-occupancy. So not only would I need $1300, but a friend of mine would need $1300 as well. Oh, and most of that needs to be paid by October 1. The cruise is in January.
I can't go.
There's no way, not with my upcoming trips to Kansas City and Las Vegas, that I could save that kind of money in time. And I'm sad about that. Probably more than I should be.
Frowny face.
Cruising for a Cruising
1 week ago
awesome. awesome. I want.